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Tools for teaching climate science & solutions

For instructional graphics, research on effective science communication to various audiences and much more, visit:
For instructional frameworks, podcasts, activities and more, Green Teacher is a reliable source. Check out its Climate Resource Hub.
This free 8-pp comic book for kids 6-12 years old is from National Public Radio. Download it for your students, Sunday School class, Scouts or your own inquisitive off-spring.
KAEE works with its members and partners to bring sound environmental education to all Kentuckians, and to ensure that education about the environment will be taught in every classroom in Kentucky.

We can, you can, Louisville CAN!
"We had some challenges with integrating Core Content's climate science across our curriculum, but LCAN's Professional Development workshop was a big help. And we're better at answering the perennial question, 'Why do we have to learn this stuff?'"
MARSHA W., PATRICIA C. and JASON M, high school teachers
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