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We'll help you find a fun project!

How Much Carbon & Cost Does a Light Bulb Save? (STEM and practical living; 5th to adult)
Math with Purpose: Calculating Carbon Footprints (STEM and practical living; 5th to adult)
Solar Energy Workbook, from the Am. Solar Energy Society (STEM and practical living; 5th to adult)
Indoor Composting with Worm Bins (STEM and practical living; Kindergarten to adult)
Have an activity you'd like to suggest we list on this page? Please use the gray Contact Us form, below, to tell us more.

I can, you can,
Louisville CAN!
LCAN taught my class how to ride bikes safely. Now my parents let me ride to my friend's house after school. Next year, I get to ride to school!
MATTHEW H., 5TH grade
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